Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Don't railroad us? Seriously?

It never ceases to amaze me how vocally anti-mass transit people in Cincinnati can be. Just read these letters to the editor dealing with people's not-so-tender feelings:


Some of our politicians are standing up for the truth about public transportation, namely, that it improves communities:


Why do people have such vitriolic reactions towards infrastructure improvements? Well, when you have been pouring roughly $8,000 a year into an automobile for who-knows-how-long, then it's pretty hard to swallow that bitter pill of knowing you could have bought a vacation home instead. Having a car is convenient if nothing else--who wants to share a car with *GASP* other people! This needs to be made a political issue in terms of the environment, dependence on foreign oil, and even on improving mental health (road rage, anyone?).

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